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Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2021 7:42 pm
by syrphid
Both Micro Flight (Old) and Fire Flight (NG) are a great way of testing new models for coming Vehicle Simulator NG.
They give a head start when creating NG vehicles and ensure their timely delivery for the filling of budding NG environment.

Re: Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 7:05 pm
by syrphid
On March 17, 2021 Beta Technologies’ eVTOL Alia-250 prototype made a flight from its primary test location in Plattsburgh, New York, across Lake Champlain to the company’s headquarters in nearby Burlington, Vermont. Soon thereafter Alia-250 model took off in Vehicle Simulator.
Since they were horisontal flight tests, the Fire Flight and Micro Flight were used too. All prototypes has successfully passed the tests in any environment, including in practice. :)

Re: Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Sat May 29, 2021 7:08 pm
by syrphid
Alia-250 in Micro Flight


and in Fire Flight


Re: Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Sun May 30, 2021 3:18 am
by Sailorjohn
...and no carbon atoms were disturbed during the filming of these flights. ;)

Re: Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:49 pm
by syrphid
...except for the film director. My successfull transition from horizontal flight to hovering and vertical landing does not exceed 1 to 10 shot. :oops:
Real Alia vertical takeoff and landing come little bit later, probably within just a few month. Note that the top rotors of VSF Alia are already installed, and the aircraft can indeed hover and fly on a fixed wing in Micro Flight and Vehicle Simulator.
But this is the next challenge.

Re: Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:54 pm
by syrphid
Virgin Galactic has successefully completed Spaceflight of Unity 22 with Richard Branson onboard.
A good challenge to simulate.

Re: Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:01 pm
by syrphid
ALIA launches as first eVTOL aircraft in X-Plane 12


But almost complete model for hangsim family alredy existed long before that.

Why does not Alia-250 fly in Vehicle Simulator?

Re: Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 9:08 pm
by syrphid
First: its electric motor needs no air to breath .
Any types of vehicle today are changing, towards becoming electric. There is no questions for ground and naval vehicles in hangsim, since aerial ones do depend on altitude and first of all that concernes their engines. Quadrotor alone works in VSF as it should, except any additional motor in elements.cfg results in using an altitude corrector (mixture) at high altitude.

So [is_airbreath] feature should appear in NG inevitably. It is the order of the day.

Second: it has two engine groups - quad rotor and pusher. The snag is that rotors in hangsim (quad or heli) react on both trottles:

Trottle = ( Trottle1 + Trottle2 ) / 2 and vise versa Trottle1 = Trottle2 = Trottle

It is great for twin engine rotor drive, but does not allow separate propulsor.
So throttles should provide independent modes:

[trottle_mode]=0 - default, all trottles are interrelated;

[trottle_mode]=1 - Trottle1 (right motors) is independent. Trottle2 (left and central motors) and Trottle are interrelated: Trottle = Trottle2.

The list can go on, but that should be quite enough for any extraordinary design.

Re: Micro Flight reflections

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2024 6:25 am
by Skoony
You have shared the best information about Micro Flight reflections.