Camera position hide - Feature request

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Joined: Wed May 05, 2021 6:54 pm

Camera position hide - Feature request

Post by robguthy »

First off I would like to say I am greatly impressed with VS NG, a job well done it is.

Now on to the reason for this post, I've had this issue since sailing VSF... Its that big fat triangle that is placed over your vessel's position when using the nautical map or ECDIS. This arrow/triangle covers the true position of your vessel and is often in the way of navigation and is definitely a hazard. Is it possible to remove the triangle through settings or the config files? If it isn't Id like to request that a feature be added to remove camera position from the map when navigating.

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Jun 25, 2021 12:20 am

Re: Camera position hide - Feature request

Post by kityatyi »

The option to remove that triangle would indeed be great.
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