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Installing add-ons for Virtual Sailor

This page shows how to install add-ons found on the library, in the form of zip files.

1) Create an empty directory somewhere on your computer, for example "C:\New Folder"

2) Download the add-on of your choice, select "Save" and select the directory you have just created.

2) Right click your mouse upon this zip file and press extract to "C:\New Folder\SS_Pico" this will extract all files and directories from this add-on in a format that it was saved.

3) Find if there are Panels, Instruments, Weapons directoris included, and select them for copy.

4) Paste the instruments, panels, weapons directories into the directory of the vehicle itself.

5) Check if the vehicle name contains spaces, change them to underscore, for example change "PICO XIIII" to "PICO_XIIII", spaces are invalid in vehicle names.

6) Copy the directory of this boat or vehicle into the vehicles directory of Virtual Sailor, typically located in "C:\Program Files\Virtual Sailor\Vehicles".

7) Run the program and select this vehicle into a new situation.

8) The vehicle is now imported and ready to use.