| Rocket Simulator Use Manual |  |
Rocket Simulator reference manual
Rocket Simulator reference manual
Rocket Simulator was created by Ilan Papini, version
1.0 released on August 2015.
Rocket Simulator was inspired by rocket attacks I have
witnessed during the past decades in Israel and at my
hometown of Haifa.
In 1991, improved Scud-B rockets were launched from Iraq
at Israel, Coming at over mach 11 there were no weapons
that could intercept them, despite lauching Patriot
missiles at them most hit populated areas.
In 2006, thousands of rockets were lauched from Lebanon
at the north of Israel, again no weapons existed that
could intercept them and most hit populated areas.
Then, in 2014, the situation was changed, thousands of
rockets were fired at Israel from Gaza but this time most
were intercepted and only few hit populated areas.
This achievement was made possible by the development of
Iron Dome which is an air defense system developed by
Rafael designed to intercept short-range rockets.
As an aeronautical engineer I was amazed at the success
of Iron Dome and wanted to explore the way it worked, For
this purpose I have created Rocket Simulator.
I hope that this program will become popular and fun and
that it will inspire people to know more about how
missile systems work.
Ilan Papini
For more information about the program,
and for addional content as it becomes available see:
Rocket Simulator was designed to run on the average
gaming machine specs available for 2015, however it can
be adjusted to run on machines with less performance.
Rocket Simulator is built to use DirectX9 with vertex and
pixel shaders 2.0 and volumetric textures.
It is essential that your computer has a video card which
is compatible with DirectX9.
Minimum Specifications
CPU: Intel Core I3 or better, 2GB RAM
Video Card: DirectX90c compatible
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
OS: Microsoft Windows XP , Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows
DirectX: DX9.0c or better |
Rocket Simulator has several websites in which you can
download content, updates, and also get learn how to
create more content, these sites are:
To install more content follow this
- Copy the add-on file into the directory of the
program, typically at
C:\Program Files\Rocket Simulator.
- Run the add-on file, and allow it to unpack
- Run the program and examine the new content.
This screen is required for the program to identify
your registration, if you have purchased your program
online please enter the first and last name you used for
purchasing and the email you received the program to and
press Ask for key.
If your registration is found your key will be sent to
you by email after pressing this button.
After receiving the key, run the program as admin and enter
the key into the textbox below, then press "Activate
Key" button.
If you do not have a key press "Skip registration
and run the program", this will run the program in
demo mode until you enter the key for it.
Upon start the program will show the main screen, on this
screen you can access the following functions:
- Design a missile.
- Design a scenario.
- Run a scenario.
- Change Settings.
- Read interesting facts.

The Tip System appears in the middile of the main screen, it
shows important facts arranged into caterogies.
Each tab selects a category, and each time you press it, the
next tip from that category is selected, for your convencience
you can read out loud the tip by pressing the speaker button on
the right side.
It is recommended that you view some tips regrading missiles
and missile components before attempting to design your own
You can turn off the tip system by clearing the show tip
checkbox, you can turn it on by checking this checkbox on the
graphic options screen.
Pressing the Design Missile button on the main screen will
show the Design Missile screen, this screen allows you to:
- Choose missile components
- See how components fit
- Make a static test of the missile
- Make an actual test fire
- Design each component seperately.

A missile in Rocket Simulator is composed of:
- Rocket Motor.
- Aerodynamics.
- Warhead.
- Fuse.
- Guidance.
- Launcher.
- Control Unit.
Each of these components can be designed by pressing the
relevant button on the missile screen.
Once each component is selected from the component screens, it
will show in the missile screen.
To save or load a missile press the save and load buttons on
the right, this will save the missile and all its components as
The total mass of the missile with and without propellant
shows on the left part of the missile screen, also the components
themselves can be seen through the missile case in the middle of
the missile screen.
To zoom the missile view use the mouse wheel, to rotate use
the left mouse button.
If the components do not fit inside the missile shape you
designed, they will be shown outside the shape and a yellow
message will be seen, you can quickly fix that by pressing Resize
Shape, or you can fix the offending component and then return to
the missile screen.
You can also press resize shape when the components do fit to
make the shap fit them as tightly as possible.

To intercept fast moving targets your missile has to be fast
itself, how can you tell how fast the missile will be when its
motor is fired, how long will it fly and how far - for this
purpose the static test fire was made.
The static test assumes the missile flies at sea level and
maintains straight and level flight, the thrust of the motor is
used to accelerate the missile and fight drag as the missile
The missile's speed, distance and maneuverability is shown on
the graphs that appear on the lower part of the screen, the test
is terminated when the missile cannot maneuver more than 4g and
it's motor is off.
The following graphs can be selected to view the flight data
- Velocity (m/sec)
- Range (m)
- Mach (M)
- Maneuver (g)
A typical missile with boost and sustain motor will exhibit a
velocity graph like the one below, a well design sustain motor
will maintain the high speed acheived during the bust stage for
as long as possible, making the missile reach long distances and
be as maneuverable as possible.
The results of the static test can be used to improve the
motor, and the missile aerodynamics to fit the purpose you wish
it to have, for example to intercept a target moving at Mach 2
the missile itself has to fly at Mach 2 or better, to intercept a
target at 10 km from the launcher the missile has to be
maneuverable when flying at this range and so on.
After satisfactory results has been reached in a static test,
you can press the Test Flight button and see how your missile
will intercept an actual target in flight.
Press the Rocket Motor button on the Missile screen to see the Rocket Motor
Design screen:
This screen shows the rocket motor with propellant charges inside, the case
is slightly transparent when charges inside so you can see how they fit.
On the right side of the screen you see the list of charges and their types,
here you can add or remove charges and also apply changes to the rocket motor
after you have edited any of the values on the screen.
Each charge you select is seen on the second panel to the left, and here you
can change its dimensions, type and chemical properties.
The specific impulse of the propellant determines how much thrust it will
generate per unit weight, while the ballistic constants of it determine how fast
it will burn under pressure, to learn about Isp and Burning Rate read the Motor
section of the Tips system.
The second panel to the left shows the dimensions of the rocket motor and the
exaust nozzle, the diameter of the throat of the nozzle has a profound effect
upon the pressure developed in the motor burning chamber, and on the burning
rate of the propellant, the smaller it is the higher the pressure.
The ignition pressure is required to make good use of the propellent to
generate thrust, if ignition pressure is high the propellant generates high
thrust without delay.
Normally charges ignite one by one, when booster charge is ignited first and
sustain charge later, you can control this by setting the order of charges you
add, and also by setting ignition type.
Rocket motors do not operate normally a pressures much above 100 atm, and at
sustain even as low as 20 atm, this is because high pressure requires thick
walls on the chamber and heavy weight for the engine, so the pressure is always
a compromise between engine performance and overall weight.
The dimensions of the rocket motor are tightly related to the dimensions of
the solid fuel charges, if the charges do not fit, the program will resize the
motor case to fit, also if the charges are not filling the entire case you can
make the case smaller by sliding the diameter or length and the program will
make it as tight as possible.

To see how the motor you designed function you should run a statis test fire
of it, to do so press the Fire button at the lower right side of the screen.
This will ignite the motor and show you the progress of all its important
- Time in seconds.
- Thrust in newtons.
- Chambe pressure in atmospheres.
- Exit pressure in atmospheres.
- Mass of propellant in kg.
- Coefficient of thrust for zozzle.
To select any of these graphs press the appropreate button on the panel on
the left side of the screen.
While the motor is burning you may rotate and zoom, and also examine the
charges inside and outside of the motor.
To see the effect of the thrust curve on missile speed run a static test on
the missile design screen.

For further reading see:
Press the Aerodynamics button on the missile design screen to show the
Aerodynamic design screen, this screen allows you to design a missile shape,
design its wing sets, select which one controls the missile, and calculate
aerodynamic coefficients for this shape.
The aerodynamic coefficients determine how much drag the missile has in the
various speeds of its flight, its speed, its range, how much maneuverability it
has and its stability while manevering.
The better the aerodynamics the more capable your missile will be and the
faster it will become.
As you apply each change to the shape, a new set of aerodynamic
coefficients is clalculate for the entire speed domain expect during missile's flight,
these coefficients are displayed in the graphs at the lower part of the screen.
The following graphs can be presented by pressing the relevant button on the
left side panel:
- Drag CD0 versus Mach number.
- Lift CNa versus Mach number.
- Moment CMa versus Mach number.
- Control moment CMd ( at a given deflection angle of control deflection )
versus Mach number.
- Trimmed angle of attack ( for control deflection of 0.2 radians ) versus Mach number.
- Maneuvering ability (g) ( for control deflection of 0.2 radians ) versus Mach number.

To change the missile's shape use the panel on the left, there you can input
the dimensions of the nose, body and tail.
Also you can set the position of the center of gravity, which will effect the
missile's maneuverability and stability.
To change the properies of each wing set use the second panel from the right,
you can also move the wing position, and thus control the lift produced by the
missile, the trimmed angle of attack it will have and its ability to maneuver at
a specified control deflection angle.
To add or remove wing sets use the paenl on the right, and also use it to
apply any pending changes you have made.
Remeber to save your work before exiting this screen so you will not lose the
changes you have made.
Press the Warhead button on the missile design screen to show the warhead
design screen, on this screen you can design a fragmentation warhead, see its
lethality range, and adjust its dimensions to acheive the kill radius you want
it to have.
The warhead diemsions are adjustable on the left side panel of this screen,
the warhead is assumed to be a cylindrical shape of high explosive, surrounded
by a metal case which breaks evenly into fragments.
Since the damage from fragments is usually the one responsible for killing
the target, the adjustment of target area and fragment mass determines the
killing range.
The killing range of the warhead is determined by the requirement that at
least two fragments hit the target area, the number of fragments is determined
by the weight of the metal case divided by fragment weight, and fragments are
dispersed in a uniform cilyndrical shape around the warhead.
The total mass of the explosive, the total mass of the metal case, the energy
of the fragment and the killing distance of the warhead against the target area
specified are calculated and presented on the panel at the middle of the screen.
To see the shape of dispersion and count of fragments being dispersed enable
the Show Fragments check box.

After each change you make press Apply Changes to calculate warhead
performance, these are shown on the graph area on the bottom of the screen.
The following graphs are available for warhead performace:
- Time (sec) versus Distance (m) for blasted fragments.
- Peak Overpressure (psi) versus Distance (m) for shock wave.
- Dynamic Pressure (psi) versus Distance (m) for shock wave.
- Fragmentation Speed (m/sec) versus Distance (m).
- Fragmentation Energy (kilo joul) versus Distance (m).
- Fragmentation Density (1/square meter) versus Distance (m).
Although the program does not check the damage criteria upon the target, it
is recommended that the fragment has enough energy to damage the target, for
penetrating and exploding target warheads, a minimum of 80 kj is required, so
you must aim your design at this number.
To adjust fragmentation energy you can adjust the mass of fragment, and also
adjust the ratio between weight of exposive material and weight of the metal
shell, the higher this ratio will be the closer the speed of the fragment will
be to the speed of expanding gasses thereby acheiving maximum speed and energy.
For further reading see:
The fuse in Rocket Simulator is an electro optical proximity fuse, which
fires a beam ahead of missile in an angle to missile axis, this allows the
target to be detected will before it passes over the missile.
In addition, a delay between time of detection and time of explosion can be
set, although a few milliseconds this delay is very important, so that the
fragments narrow beam hits the target exactly as it passes over the missile.
It is also assumed that the fusing system can measure the closing speed
between target and missile and adjust its fuse delay accordingly, this enables
the missile to intercet targets at a wide range of closing speeds and
successfully kill them with fragments from the its warhead.
You can adjust the fusing system of your missile and inspect various
intercept speeds and angles using the Fuse Design screen, press the Fuse button
on the missile design screen to see the following screen:

The fuse is directly linked to the warhead of your missile, it uses its
killing distance, fragment speed, expansion ratio and axial length for
determining the fragmentation zone that you see painted in red on this screen.
For this reason fuse and warhead are always saved together, so when you save
a fuse you also save a warhead and vise versa.
To understand the function of the fusing screen turn off the Automatic Fuse
Delay, now you can see the effect of closing speed, missile speed and target
speed upon the zone of tagret position and fragment position at the moment of
In this image above, you see on the horizontal axis the position of your
missile at the moment of target detection ( at the origin ) and at the moment of
warhead detonation, since that moment the fragments travel perpendicular to the
missile's flight path at the speeds detemined by the warhead.
Adjust the missile speed only using the panel on the right side of the
screen, and see how the fragmentation zone gets shifted forwards, this is due to
the addition of missile's axial speed to the normal speed of the fragments (
perpendicular to missile's axis ).
Also, if there is a fuse delay, the red zone is shifted forwards as the fuse delay
multiplied by missile speed gives distance travelled by missile from moment of detection
to moment of exploding the warhead.
Now try to change only the fuse delay to better understand this shift, as you
increase the fuse delay the red zone gets shifted forward towards the target
zone painted in yellow.
You can also adjust the target speed alone, and see how the yellow zone gets
shifted back towards the missile, this is because the target speed multiplied by
fuse delay gives distance travelled by the target towards the missile.
The reason the fuze beam is tilted forwards, is to provide extra time for the
fuse to detect the target and react, and for the fragments to impact the target.
When the closing speed is low this is not a problem, since the framents
travel much faster than the target, however for fast moving tagrets you may need
all the time you can get to make the fragments hit the target, and this can only
be acheived by giving the missile an early warning of the coming target.
Now, adjust the detection angle only, and see how it shifts the entire target
zone forwards, and how it has the same effect as decreasing the fuse delay.
When discussing the fuse, the factor we care about is actually the closing
speed, since the fuse only senses closing speed, and only the closing speeds
effect the delay needed for fragments to hit.
Normally fusing systems can
detect closing speeds as well as detection range, this detection takes less than
a millisecond and during that time a fusing delay can be calculated to make the
probability of hit much greater, this function is enabled by selecting automatic
fuse delay.
For fusing systems that are less advanced, this option can be turned off and
you can see which closing speeds result in target hits and which do not.
Turn on this option, and see how the time delay alone can make the fragments
area overlapp the target area, this appears as an orange zone ( red zone
overlapps the yellow zone).
Now try to adjust the closing speed alone and see what a wide range of speeds
you can cover using auotmatic fuse delay.
When closing speeds become very high, even time delay of zero cannot make the
fragments hit the target, for this case you can adjust the detection angle
forwards, and buy your fuse extra time.
You can also adjust the intercept angle and target offset to explore
different engagement scenarios, as you can see the
fusing system still works using the automatic fuse delay.
Understanding this function is a key factor in understanding why the Iron
Dome is so effective against a wide variety of targets and why intercepts that
seem to have strange intercept angles still result in successful kills of the
For further reading see:
A typical missile system may have three phases of flight, boost, midcourse
and therminal, during each of these phases the guidance method may be different
or non existant.
In order to select the modes you wish to have for your missile system, press
the Guidance button on the missile design form, the following screen will show.
On the right side you see a panel where you can select the phases you wish to
enable, to enable all of them check all the three check boxes.
The characteristic of the boost phase is that the missile flies in a
ballistic path, its fins are locked and no guidance is made.
This allows the missile to accelerate to maneuvering speed without losing
stability or speed.
You can use the static test in the missile design screen to see how many
seconds are needed for the missile to accelerate to maneuvering speeds and set
this time in the fins lock time input box.
During the midcourse stage the missile is normally too far away to detect the
target by itself, so it uses some command guidance from its launcher or control
unit, there are usually two types available, line of sight ( as in most anti
tank missiles ) and intercept point ( where the launcher calculates projected
intercept point and guids the missile toward that point).
Select the method you prefer and press the animation button to help you
understand the drawbacks and andantages of the mode you choose.
The size of the seeker will normally dictate its detection range, the larger
it is the more sensitive it will be.
Set the desired detection range for the terminal phase, and then apply
changes, if the result is a diamter larger than the diamter of your missile
adjust the diamter and apply changes to get the actual detection range you can
Then select type of terminal guidance and see the animation to understand
better how it behaves, missiles that have terminal guidance usually use
proportional guidance at this stage.

For further reading see:
Press the Launcher button to see the Launcher selection screen, this screen
allows you to select the laucher shape from a list of existing launchers, and
also the properties of the launcher itself.
The launcher shape you select does not necessarily fit the shape and size of
your missile, it is only for graphic purposes.
Use the elevation angle to select at which angle your missiles will be
launched, usually you would want a high angle to handle high incoming threats.
The two factors which determine the effectiveness of your missile system
against multiple threats are the number of missiles on launcher and the time it
takes to reload them.
During the last conflicts in which the Iron Dome took part, the system had to
defend sgainst multiple incoming rockets fired at once, it did so with flying
success due to the clever distribution of missiles and engagements between
lauchers and command units.
You can try to set different values here and check the same scenario against
your missile system and see the results of longer reload time, or of less
missiles on the laucher.

Press the Control button on the missile design screen to see the Control
selection screen, this screen allows you to select the shape of control and
command unit from a list of existing shapes, and also the properties of the
control unit itself.
The Radar and Command Unit shapes you select do not influence the performance
of your missile, they are only for graphic purposes.
The Command Unit will launch missiles at incoming targets when the projected
course of these targets falls inside the protected radius around the control
unit, and when the range of the incoming target is below the launch range.
Use the launch range try to make the intercept of targets as far away from
the protexted area as possible, if targets are intercepted inside the protected
range, debris from these targets still fall inside your protected eange and will
cause damage.
Use the static test of your missile to determine the maximum launch range you
can set, keep in mind that the targets are also moving towards the control unit,
and so the lauch range can be larger than the range of the missile itself as
measured in a static test fire.
The Protected Radius of your system has to cover the area ( city ) that you
wish to protect, so increasing both this area and the lauch range will maximize
the effectiveness of your missile system.

After designing your missile and your launcher and control, it is time to
test it against a real target, for this reason you need to make a flight test.
Press the Test Flight button on the missile design screen to show the Test
Flight screen.
Here you can test your missile system against a target launched at the
distance, speed, elevation and offset of your choice, and test the behavior of
your missile system as a whole.
In the next section we will describe the exact data you can extract during a
test flight and see how to adjust the test data until your missile system has
reached its maximum effectiveness against the targets you want to intercept.
At the upper right corner of the screen you see a list of launch sites, you
can select where to conduct your test from this list, the list can contain
locations from any of the scenery areas you have installed in your program.
Below the location list, you see the launcher settings, here you can select
elevation angle and distance at which to launch missile against an incoming
The launch distance can be adjusted and tested until the missile has reached
its maximum useful range, then you can set the launch range at your control unit
screen and save the settings.
Also the angle of elevation can be tested and when you are pleased with the
results, you can save this angle into your launcher screen and save these
The target settings are the most important elements of the flight test, here
you can adjust the elevation, speed, offset and launch distance of your target.
On the graph you see, the actual trajectory appears and you can adjust the
target angle and speed to match the distance you want it to reach.
The yellow marker at the middile shows the launch range of your missile,
during the test you can let the system fire automatically when target has
reached this range, or you can fire a missile manually and see if it intercepts
the target or not.
The offset angle of your target will make it aim to the side of your missile
system, and can be used to see the effectiveness of your system in protecting a
larger area around it.

When you are ready to make the actual test press the Start Test button.
The test mode begins as soon as the start test button is pressed or when a
situation that was saved in test mode is loaded.
The test mode has the following charactristics that distinguish it from other
operating modes of the program:
- The Test Bar appears on the bottom part of the screen.
- You can launch targets and missiles manually.
- You can see a graph of target or missile flight data.
- Score is not given for the performance of your missile system.

To launch a target press the "Launch Target" button on the Test
Bar, then press Track Target to see the target through a telescope and track its
To launch a missile press the "Launch Missile" button on the Test
Bar, then press Track Missile to see the missile through a telescope and track
its trajectory.
Each time you press the track button a different target is tracked, to
release track press the track once more, or press F2.
During the flight of a target or a missile you can get the actual graph of
flight data by pressing the Graph button.
Also you can see the scope and radar by pressing these buttons on the test
See below for more information about the Graph, Radar, Scope and Map tools.
The Telescope is useful when you wish to zoom in on targets or missiles, when
you wish to measure elevation and azimuth, and when you wish to use night vision
to see the scene at night.
To see the Telescope press T or use the top bar icon or press the Scpe button
in test mode.
To zoom in and out use the mouse wheel, or drag the slider on the right side.

To use the night vision press the Night Vis button on the lower right side.

To turn the telescope off press the OFF button or press T.
During the test mode only you can see a graph of missile or target flight
data, to see this graph press G or press the Graph button on the Test Bar at the
When a target is in flight the graph will show the data for this target, when
a missile is launched the graph will show flight data for this missile.
You can select between the following graph types:
- Velocity (m/sec) versus Time (sec)
- Range (m) versus Time (sec)
- Mach (M) versus Time (sec)
- Altitude (m) versus Time (sec)
- Maneuver (g) versus Time (sec)
Press the buttons on the right to select these graphs.
Use the data you see on this graph to adjust the range at which you launch
your missile, or adjust the missile itself to operate better at the range you wish to
intercept targets.

The best way to explore the performance of your missile system is by using
the Radar, this view show clearly the targets and missiles fired relative to
your missile control unit.
To show the Radar press R or use the Radar button on upper bar or lower test
bar, the following view will appear.
The view is aligned toward your point of view, to rotate your point of view
drag your right mouse button on screen left or right.
To zoom in and out use the mouse wheel, or drag the vertical slider on the
The green circle represents your control unit position, and the protected
radius around it, the yellow arc represents the launch range, any target
entering this zone is fired upon.
Targets are marked as white triangles, missiles are marked as yellow
triangles, and debris marked as faded white triangles.

The Map view also provides a good way to explore the situation, in addition
to the view of missiles and targets it also provides the positions of these in
relation to your scenery and populated areas in it.
Press M or the Map button on the upper bar to show the map, the following
view appears.
To zoom the map in or out use the mouse wheel, to pan the map drag upon the
map in all directions.
The titles on the map represent populated area, the yellow circles represent
the location of rocket launchers, the green circle represent the location of
missile system and its size is the protected radius around it.
The black lines from rocket launchers represent the project flight path of
the rockets, and the yellow rectangles are the projected impact points of these
The rockets in flight are shown as red triangles, the missiles are shown as
yellow triangles.
The map is always facing north, the scale in kilometers is shown on the lower
right corner.

The essence of Rocket Simulator is it's ability to design and simulate a
A scenario is a situation in which one or more missile system defends an area
against one or more rocket launchers.
During a scenario you can only watch the events unfold and hope your missile
systems are designed well enough to defend the area of interest.
The scenario begins with rockets being fired at your areas of interest, and
your missile systems detect, track and intercept these rockets, the scenario
ends when there are no longer rockets or missiles in the air, and a score is
given according to the amount of rockets and debris that hit the defended areas.
The Scenario Design screen below is used to define the locations of rocket
launchers and missile systems in your scenario, and set some properties for
them, such as rocket impact points, rockets count,
launch interval, and orientation of missile systems.
Press the Design Scenario button on the main screen to show the following
First you need to select a scenery for your scenario, to do so select one from
the list on the upper right corner of the screen.
Then click the mouse on the map, zoom it using the mouse wheel and pan it to
the place where you wish to position your missile systems.
To add a rocket launcher:
Define the propeties of the rocket launcher, define number of rockets on
launcher, define the interval between rocket launches.
Press the left mouse button on the map where you wish to add the rocket
launcher, then press Add Rocket Launcher.
Drag the yellow rectangle to where you want the impact point to be.
Drag the yellow circle where you want the rocket launcher to be.
You can also set these properties after you have added the rocket laucher,
but you need to press enter in the textbox of these paramters to make them apply
to the selected launcher.
To add a missile system:
Select the type of the missile system from the missile systems list.
Press the left mouse button on the map where you wish to add the missile
system, then press Add Missile System.
Drag the yellow rectangle to indicate the orientation of the missile system,
the position itself is not important.
Drag the green circle where you want the missile system to be, the green
circle indicates the size of the protected zone around it.
You can also set these properties after you have added the missile system,
for this you need to select the system, then select its type from the list on
the right.

You can save the scenario for later use, load it at any time and edit it, or
you can run it from the scenario design screen.
The essence of Rocket Simulator is it's ability to design and simulate a
A scenario is a situation in which one or more missile system defends an area
against one or more rocket launchers.
During a scenario you can only watch the events unfold and hope your missile
systems are designed well enough to defend the area of interest.
The scenario mode begins when you press the Run Scenario button in Scenario
Design or when a
situation that was saved in scenario mode is loaded.
The scenario begins with rockets being fired at your defended area, and
your missile systems detect, track and intercept these rockets.
The scenario
ends when there are no longer rockets or missiles in the air, and a score is
given according to the amount of rockets and debris that hit the defended areas.
As soon as a missile system detects an incoming threat a siren is sounded,
this siren can be turn off quickly using the S button, or using the options or
sound dialog.
During the scenario you have no control over when targets or missiles are
launched, you can watch from any point of view, you can use Radar, Map,
Telescope to see how missiles and tagrets behave, and you get a score at the end
showing the success rate of your missile defence.
A scenario can run by day or night, you can control the weather and time of
day anytime you want by pressing W or O.

At the top of the scenario screen you see a summary of the rockets beeing
shot and intercepted, your score is derived from this summary at the end of the
On the left side you see the verbose display of events, you can turn this off
using the options dialog, however this mode helps you understand the events that
take place, and in case you missiles do not hit the targets you can see why.
Events such as system reloading in x seconds, help you understand why some
targets are not intercepted in time, events such as missile lost track, help you
understand that missiles are not fast enough to reach your targets.
To better enjoy the scenario mode, it is important that you know the basic
keys or shortcuts that control your program.
Rocket Simulator uses the following controls and keys to control the
functions you need.
Dialogs and screens: |
T - Show Telescope
S - Show Radar
G - Show Graph
M - Show Map
K - Show Keys
O - Show Options
W - Show Weather
S - Toggle Sound
F - Toggle FPS |
View Points: |
F5 - Track System
F6 - Track Missile
F7 - Track Target
F8 - Bird View
F9 - Auto Track
F1 - Attach To Tracked
F2 - Free Camera |
Camera controls: |
Mouse + left button - slew camera
Mouse + right button - pan camera
Mouse + mousewheel - zoom camera
Z - zoom in
X - zoom out
Home - move forward
End - move back
PageDn - lower camera
PageUp - raise camera
Numkey5 - center view
Numkey4 - pan left
Numkey6 - pan right
Numkey8 - pan up
Numkey2 - pan down
Numkey9 - move forward
Numkey7 - move back
Numkey3 - move right
Numkey1 - move left
Numkey0 - move down
Numkey. - move up |
Other controls: |
Shift + W - show wireframe
Escape - close dialog / exit program
F3 - Decrease Simulation Rate
F4 - Increase Simulation Rate |
To make the program as simple to use as possible, the weather and settings
were combined into one screen, press O or W while in test or scenario mode, or
use the Settings, Graphics from the main screen to see the Weather and Settings
The weather settings appear on the right side of the screen and can all be
adjusted while the program runs, changes are made immediately.
Weather settings include:
Fog distance - visibility of low atmosphere layer.
Fog altitude - thickness of low atmosphere layer.
Cloud altitude - cloud base elevation.
Clound cover - cloud coverage.
Wind From - direction from which wind is blowing.
Wind speed - speed on wind.
Wave Height - height of waves in sea ( when Water Waves are enabled ).
Time of Day - the hour and time of day, date is not taken into account.
Graphic settings include:
Water Reflections - enabled reflections on the water surface.
Water Refractions - enables the sea bottom to be seen through the water.
Water Waves - enables waves to be seen on the water when close to the
Reflect Objects - enables reflection of objects on water when close to the
Show Plants - enables plants and grass to be seen on land.
Show Shadows - enables shadows on land, objects and plants.
3D Smoke Trails - enables 3D smoke for missiles and rockets, may slow down
the rendering when multiple missiles are in the air.
Verbose Mode - prints out many notifications which help you understand what
is going on and why.
Play Siren - plays a siren when threats are detected, siren is stopped when
no threats or missiles are in the air.
Show Tips - show the tips system on the main screen by default, refreshing
the tips when you get back to main screen.