The word scenery is an essential add-on for Virtual Sailor which provides global scenery coverage, it is made of several parts arranged by area of interest, each of these parts contains several scenery areas as seen on the map below.

The world scenery is built to exapnd, each of the scenery areas inside it can contain subdirectories which add objects to that area, users and scenery makers are encouraged to add their work to this scenery and hopefully allow us to fill the world.
World Scenery Textures
Author: Marcel Aerni

The world scenery textures are required for the world scenery to work properly, it provides basic textures for all parts of the world.
Download Here World Scenery Textures
World Scenery America
Author: Marcel Aerni

This part is the North America and South America parts of the world scenery.
Download Here America ( north & south )
World Scenery Antarctica
Author: Marcel Aerni
World Scenery Asia
Author: Marcel Aerni
World Scenery Europe & Africa
Author: Marcel Aerni
World Scenery Ociania
Author: Marcel Aerni
World Scenery Expansions
The world scenery is built to exapnd using subdirectories inside any scenery area you wish to expand.
Each of these subdirectories must have an underscore in its name to be recognized as an expansion to this scenery, inside it there may be object files in the same format of the scenery files, objects.txt, auto_objects.txt, and any absolute and relative files as well, textures and mesh files may also be placed inside that directory.
To remove an expansion you don't like simply delete that subdirectory and all its objects will be removed from that scenery without the need to change the scenery itself or download it again.